Search language - how to write a search:
When searching in the News Archive, you sometimes need to use Boolean search language. This is to be able to do as relevant and focused a search as possible. In the list below you will find examples of all the most common searches and how to best write such a search.
OR – Some of the keywords must be included in the article to give a hit: Nordea OR Swedbank.
AND – All keywords must be included in the article to hit: Nordea AND Swedbank.
ANDNOT – If any of these words are included in the article, it will not give a hit: Nordea ANDNOT Swedbank (here Swedbank is excluded).
* – You get all the prefixes/endings of the word that you have truncated: Nordea* OR bank*
" " – Phrase search: "Svenska Handelsbanken"
( ) – When using several alternative keywords, these need to be in parentheses (Swedbank OR "Danske Bank") ANDNOT (Nordea OR Handelsbanken)
NEAR – The keywords must be within 4 words of each other: Nordea NEAR Swedbank
NEAR/X – The keywords must be within as many words of each other as you type: Nordea NEAR/10 Swedbank
ONEAR – The first word in the search must be before the second, and that they must be at most 4 words apart: Nordea ONEAR Swedbank
ONEAR/X – The first word in the search must be before the second, and that they must not be more than x words apart: Nordea ONEAR/25 Swedbank
page:X – You only get hits on the page you select: page:4 AND "Svenska Handelsbanken*"
placement:XXX –Search a section of the magazine: placement:debate OR placement:sports
srcid:XXXXX – You only search in the newspaper whose source ID you are looking for: srcid:50803 AND Swedbank
srcname:XXX – You only get hits in the source whose name you are looking for: srcname:Aftonbladet AND Swedbank
headline:XXX – You will only get a hit on your keyword if it is mentioned in the heading: headline:Swedbank
intros:XXX – You only get a hit on your keyword if it is mentioned in the title or the introduction of the article: intros:Swedbank
upper:XXX – You only get hits if the source has indexed that the word is written in capital letters (used with reflection): upper:Swedbank
allupper:XXX – You only get hits if the source has indexed that the word is in capital letters (used with reflection): allupper:UNICEF
byline:XXX –The author of an article: byline:"Joni Söderström Winter"
wc:>XXX or wc:<XXX – You can only get hits if the number of words in the article is greater or less than the number you have filled in: wc:>500 or wc:<500