Add a LinkedIn page to your account

Go to Settings, Social Media Channels, Click "Add more Pages"

Step 1: Access the Settings Panel

Step 2: Make sure you have "Connected to LinkedIn". For a detailed guide on this you can click here.


Step 3: Go to the "Social Media Channels" tab and click "Add LinkedIn"

Step 4: Click the plus sign on the page you want to add

Step 5: Click "Add Members" to give your Team Members access to the new page you added. For a more detailed guide on how to give people access click here.



To add a Twitter page find detailed guide here.
To add an Instagram page find detailed guide here.

To add a Facebook account find detailed guide here.
To add a Facebook Ads account find detailed guide here.





OBS: If it looks like in the image below you first have to connect your RelationDesk account with Facebook or LinkedIn.


Guide for connecting Facebook available here.

Guide for connecting LinkedIn available here.

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