Filter explanations in Engage

A detailed description of all filters in Engage

Below is a list of all filters in Retriever with illustration of how the messages looks.

Facebook Filters

Public posts from us

This is all posts made by the page on Facebook


Facebook posts from others

These are all the posts private users makes on your page wall


Facebook private messages

These are all messages written to you through the Facebook Messenger app



Facebook Ads

Ads created for your Facebook page by an Facebook ads account.


Note that you need an ads account connected to Retriever to recieve these. How to ad an ads account you can find here.


Facebook Mentions

Whenever another page mentions your page in a post or comment


Facebook Ratings

When a user has rated your page on

Linkedin Filters

LinkedIn posts from us

This is all posts made by the page on LinkedIn



LinkedIn Mentions

Whenever another page mentions your page in a post



Twitter Filters

Public Tweets

A public tweet where a user @mentions your Twitter account


Twitter Direct Messages

When a user writes a direct message to your twitter account


Instagram Filters

Instagram posts from us

A post made by your Instagram account on your feed


Instagram Ads

Ads that are sent to your Instagram page from a Facebook ads account.


Note that you need an ads account connected to Retriever to recieve these. How to ad an ads account you can find here.


Instagram Mentions

When a user mentions your Instagram page in a post or comments


Instagram Converstaions

Private conversations (DMs or Story mentions) on Instagram


Instagram Reels

This is all reels made by the page on Instagram